by Citizens for Global Solutions | Nov 10, 2022 | Past Event
Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing is an author, speaker, international lawyer, and founding director of The Center for Peace and Global Governance. She also is a member of the CGS Board of Directors. Of all the presenters at this conference, she is the only one who created the model she’s presenting! It is the most contemporary of all the models.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Nov 9, 2022 | Past Event
Dr. Joseph Baratta presents a model from Clark and Sohn, the United Nations based on revised, amended, & expanded charter. Their ideas would have moved the UN significantly toward becoming a federal world government, and it remains one of the most significant historical models in the field.
Dr. Joseph Baratta is one of the foremost historians of the world federalist movement and the efforts to strengthen the United Nations. He is professor emeritus at Wister State University and author of the two-volume work, The Politics of World Federation.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Nov 7, 2022 | Past Event
Shortly before WWII, an American Journalist named Clarence Streit proposed that the 15 most advanced democracies of the time form a union that would be so powerful that Hitler would not dare to attack it, thus preventing WWII. He reasoned that over time other nations could join the union, which would eventually lead to a world federation.
Dr. Tiziana Stella is the Executive Director of the Streit Council, carrying on the work of Clarence Streit. This evening she will present his model – Union through Democracy – as well as discuss how it might be updated to fit our current political reality.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Nov 14, 2021 | Past Event
This award was given to Martin Sheen on November 13, 2021 at CGS’s Annual Conference.
This award recognizes individuals who are recognized as Global Citizens by the general public for their commitment to one or more of the following areas:
- An end to war and violence in the resolution of international disputes
- The elimination of nuclear weapons
- Democratic global governance
- Protection of universal human rights and freedoms
- Care of the global environment
- Embracing loyalty to our world in addition to loyalty to any one nation
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Nov 13, 2021 | Past Event
Fernando Iglesias presents paths to world federation through integrating the regions.
Fernando is serves as a Member of Parliament in Argentina (2007-2011 and 2017-2021), the Director of the campaign for a Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court Against Transnational Organized Crime (COPLA), and the Co-Chair of the UNPA campaign’s Parliamentary Advisory Group. He is also a founding member of Democracia Global – Movimiento por la Unión Sudamericana y el Parlamento Mundial and directs the Altiero Spinelli Chair for Regional Integration at the Consorzio Universitario Italiano per l’Argentina.