by Citizens for Global Solutions | Jun 30, 2023 | Press Release
Washington, DC–Join the Virtual ‘Finding Hope in the Climate-Peace-Disarmament Nexus’ Panel
This Q&A panel discussion, co-hosted by Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS), Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (PNND), Youth Fusion, and World Federalist Movement/Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP), will consider how progress on environmental protection is hampered by armed conflict, nuclear threats, and the massive diversion of resources into weapons and war, and will invite collaborate strategizing on potential solutions.
Specifically, we will explore the potential of common security and global governance to foster cooperation to more effectively address climate, peace, and disarmament threats. This intergenerational dialogue will bring together youthful energy and innovation with seasoned expertise and experience, actively engaging our audience to build stronger pathways to a peaceful and sustainable future.
Session I: Americas/Europe/Africa/Middle East
Date: July 13, 2023
Time: 12:00-13:30 EST | 16:00 UTC | 17:00 GMT | 18:00 CET
Register: Zoom Registration for Session I
Session 1 Speakers:
- Kehkashan Basu (UAE/Canada): Founder-President, Green Hope Foundation; United Nations Human Rights Champion; Winner, 2016 International Children’s Peace Prize; Council Member, World Future Council; Former UNEP Global Coordinator for Children & Youth.
- Marie-Claire Graf (Switzerland): Co-Founder Youth Negotiators Academy and Climate Youth Negotiator Programme; UN Youth Climate Champion of Switzerland.
- Prof. Maja Groff (Netherlands): Convenor, Climate Governance Commission; Visiting Professor/Scholar at Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University; Lecturer, Hague Academy of International Law.
- William (Bill) R. Pace (USA): Founder and Inaugural Convenor, Coalition for an International Criminal Court; Former Executive Director, World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP); Co-Founder, International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect.
- Prof Juergen Scheffran (Germany): Professor of Integrative Geography. Chair of the Research Group Climate Change, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, University of Hamburg. Principal author, The Climate-Nuclear Nexus.
- Additional speakers to be confirmed
Session II: Asia/Pacific
Date: July 20, 2023 Time: 5:00 AM UTC | 10:30 AM Delhi | 2:00 PM Tokyo | 5:00 PM Wellington 7:00 PM Hawaii | 7:00 AM Eastern Europe | 1:00 AM EST
Register: Zoom Registration for Session II
Session 2 Speakers
- Augusto Lopez-Claros (Chile/Spain): Executive Director, Global Governance Forum. Senior Fellow at the Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. Former Director of the Global Indicators Group in DEC of the World Bank.
- Tadashi Inuzuka (Japan): Co-President, World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy. Executive Director, 3+3 Coalition for a North-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone. Former Senator from Nagasaki.
- Nicole Ponce (Philippines): Co-Founder and Coordinator, I am Climate Justice movement, Asia Front Coordinator, World’s Youth for Climate Justice.
- Disha Ravi (India): Co-founder, Fridays for Future India.
- Dr Justin Sobion LLM (Trinidad and Tobago): Legal Researcher and Teaching Assistant, NewZealand Centre for Environmental Law, University of Auckland. Coordinator, Earth Trusteeship Working Group. Co-editor, “Reflections on Earth Trusteeship: Mother Earth and a new 21st Century governance paradigm.”
- Additional speakers to be confirmed
About Citizens for Global Solutions
Citizens for Global Solutions is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan membership-based organization that for more than 75 years has brought together a diverse collective of individuals and organizations with a common goal of a unified world predicated upon peace, human rights, and the rule of law. From championing ratification of the UN Charter upon our establishment in 1947 to supporting creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) 25 years ago to advocating for global instruments to confront today’s enduring challenges of war and climate degradation, CGS recognizes that true progress is a generational enterprise. We invite like-minded individuals and organizations to join us in this mission.
World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy
The World Federalist Movement/Institute for Global Policy (WFM/IGP), established in 1947, is a non-profit organization registered in the USA and the Netherlands. Guided by its vision of a just, free, and peaceful world, WFM/IGP works to promote the rule of law and global governance of transnational issues including those related to peace, human rights, and the environment. Our vision is a just, free, and peaceful world, where humanity and nature flourish in harmony, while our mission is to create more effective, transparent, and accountable global governance leading to democratic world federation.
Youth Fusion
Youth Fusion is a world-wide networking platform for young individuals and organizations in the field of nuclear disarmament, risk-reduction and non-proliferation. We focus on youth action and intergenerational dialogue, building on the links between disarmament, peace, climate action, sustainable development and building back better from the pandemic. Our goals are clear: to inform, educate, connect and engage our fellow students, activists and enthusiasts. Through these activities, and as part of the Abolition 2000 Network, we are contributing to the total abolition of nuclear weapons.
Supporting Organizations
3+3 Coalition for a North-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone, Basel Peace Office, Citizens for Global Solutions, Chicago Area Peace Action (CAPA), Climate Governance Commission, Democracia Global, Global Minnesota, Green Hope Foundation, I Am Climate Justice, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, Peace Action, The Peace Alliance, Stimson, Upper Hudson Peace Action, World Federalist Movement Institute for Global Policy, World Future Council, World Service Authority, World’s Youth for Climate Justice, Young World Federalists and Youth Fusion.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Jun 26, 2023 | Past Event
(CGS) for a unique event to explore challenges, opportunities, and strategies for advocating for foundational principles of democratic world governance. The summit will inform concrete action to achieve the vision of tomorrow’s governed world and combat such critical global challenges as violations of international law and human rights, environmental degradation, and escalating armament.
Statement of Purpose
For more than 75 years, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) has dedicated itself to the grand vision of a united planet, led by champions who represent some of the greatest minds of the last century. Despite this rich history, it is clear that the present moment demands new global solutions. The world has never been more interconnected: challenges of global health, environmental degradation, and illegal aggression do not respect borders. World federation provides the necessary framework for effective international cooperation but the question remains of the steps and pathway to this ultimate goal.
As CGS embarks on a new chapter, seeking innovative and ambitious solutions to current threats, we convene an “Exploratory Summit” to inform advocacy by our Action Network. At this summit, we invite subject matter experts and leading activists dedicated to our core causes and foundational values to share perspective on the contemporary means and methods for advocacy. The purpose of the summit is to help current and future CGS Action Network members identify priorities and strategies for our advocacy efforts. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussion with thought leaders and join CGS’s action efforts following the summit.
Topics will include:
- Supporting International Institutions through Informed Reform
- Promoting Treaty-Based International Law
- Advancing Climate Justice and Disarmament as Components of World Federation
- Mobilizing the Next Generation through Youth Outreach and Intergenerational Approaches
*CGS-Education Fund is a registered 501(c)(3). The CGS Action Fund is incorporated as a 501(c)(4).
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Jun 20, 2023 | Press Release
Washington, DC– On Sunday, June 25, 2023, 1:00PM – 2:30PM EST, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) will convene a unique hybrid event to explore current concrete apertures for grassroots engagement to achieve foundational principles of democratic world federation and combat such critical global challenges as violations of international law and human rights, environmental degradation, and escalating armament.
The “Exploratory Summit” comes as CGS embarks on a new chapter, seeking innovative and ambitious solutions to current threats to inform advocacy by our Action Network.[1] At this summit, we invite subject matter experts and leading activists dedicated to our core causes and foundational values to share their perspectives on the contemporary means and methods for advocacy. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in discussion with thought leaders and join CGS’s action efforts following the summit.
Topics will include:
Supporting International Institutions through Informed Reform [Augusto Lopes-Claros]
Promoting Treaty-Based International Law [Kristin Smith]
Advancing Climate Justice and Disarmament as Components of World Federation [Alyn Ware]
Mobilizing the Next Generation through Youth Outreach and Intergenerational Approaches [Jacopo DeMarinis]
We hope you will join us for this unique event. For more information, please contact:
About Citizens for Global Solutions
Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) is a nonpartisan, non-profit non-governmental organization (NGO) that advocates for democratic global governance predicated on the rule of law and the protection of human rights. For more than 75 years, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) has dedicated itself to the grand vision of a united planet. We mobilize our members to take action to promote policies and institutions that address global challenges such as peace and security, climate change, and human rights abuses. We catalyze change through grassroots organizing, education and outreach programs, policy advocacy, and engagement with policymakers at national and international level.
[1] CGS-Education Fund is a registered 501(c)(3). The CGS Action Fund is incorporated as a 501(c)(4).
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Jun 10, 2023 | Past Event
Session 5 of the book, Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century (2020) with all three authors, Augusto Lopez-Claros, Arthur Dahl, and Maja Groff. This session’s final discussion will include additional insights on the topics of corruption, education, values and principles to operationalize global good governance, immediate steps forward, and conclusions.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | May 29, 2023 | Organizational Statement
Washington, D.C. On May 21, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) and Young World Federalists (YWF) joined UNESCO, the UN, and civil society throughout the world in commemorating the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. In doing so, we recognize the centrality of the intertwined values of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue to humanity, as well as their necessity to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and foster world peace.
Why is it necessary to reflect on and honor Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development? Twenty years ago, the UN General Assembly established the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (A/RES/57/249). The necessity of recognizing this day is threefold:
First, the ability to practice and thrive in one’s culture is a universal, inalienable, and interdependent human right. Originally enshrined in the core human rights documents, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development now proclaims, “We pledge to foster intercultural understanding, tolerance, mutual respect, and an ethic of global citizenship… and recognize that all cultures and civilizations can contribute to, and are crucial enablers of, sustainable development.” Target 11.4 explicitly states the goal of “strengthen[ing] efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.”
Second, respect for cultural heritage and intercultural dialogue is essential for peace. According to the UN, 89% of all current conflicts worldwide occur in countries that lack strong intercultural dialogue. Further, “[t]hree-quarters of the world’s major conflicts have a cultural dimension. Bridging the gap between cultures is urgent and necessary for peace, stability and development.”
Third, culture plays a vital role in advancing economic growth and realizing other SDG targets, such as environmental sustainability. According to UNESCO, the specialized UN agency charged with fostering international cooperation regarding scientific, educational, and cultural issues, the creative and cultural fields generate 48 million jobs worldwide (particularly for young people), which account for 6.2% of all employment and 3.1% of global GDP. Regarding environmental targets, as one example, weaving intangible cultural heritage into agricultural and environmental policies can enhance sustainable food production and environmental conservation.
What international mechanisms animate these principles? The United Nations and its entities have furthered several instruments to promote cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. For example:
- To more effectively analyze the role of cultural diversity in realizing the SDGs and promote its incorporation in national and international development plans, UNESCO created the UNESCO Culture|2030 Indicators framework, which provides an expansive overview of the intersection of cultural heritage and the SDGs.
- To strengthen public awareness of how cultural diversity can advance the SDGs and stimulate international cooperation to embed cultural rights and issues in public policy, UNESCO convened MONDIACULT 2022 conference in Mexico in September 2022. This groundbreaking summit led to the adoption of the “Declaration of Culture,” which identified culture as a “global public good” and called for public policies to protect specific cultural rights such as the right of indigenous communities to preserve their cultural heritage.
- To spur intercultural and interreligious dialogue aimed at reducing discrimination and fostering intercultural solidarity, the UN has advanced initiatives such as the United Nations Alliance Among Civilizations (UNAOC), which organizes activities around the themes of Education, Youth, Migration, Media, and Women as Peace Mediators.
Moreover, there are now true for a for accountability for violations of cultural rights. The International Criminal Court (ICC) recently affirmed the connection between cultural heritage and human rights by convicting the leader of a group who oversaw the destruction of religious and cultural sites and buildings in Timbuktu, Mali, of war crimes. The Mayan Q’eqchi’ community recently took the Guatemalan government to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, alleging that the government’s approval of mining operations on their territory violated their collective rights to ancestral lands and natural resources.
How can we, as global citizens and world federalists, advance this agenda? One thing is certain; we must act quickly to foster this vital dialogue. As Kofi Annan said, “Without this dialogue taking place every day among all nations – within and between civilizations, cultures and groups – no peace can be lasting and no prosperity can be secure.” How can this vision become reality?
- Proactive government engagement. While the UN must continue to engage, it is also incumbent upon national governments to actively enhance intercultural dialogue. For example, governments at all levels can engage in cultural diplomacy bilaterally with counterparts and through the UN system, drawing on cultural heritage and diversity to enhance mutual understanding and cooperation on such global issues as climate change and conflic A recent high-level forum led to the adoption of the “Roadmap for the International Year of Dialogue as a Guarantee of Peace” a series of events throughout 2023, including multilateral discussions, debates, and youth activities.
- Civil society leadership. Civil society also plays a key role in this respect. For example, civil society can advocate at the ninth session of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, which will take place from June 6 to 8, 2023, to urge governments to adopt the 2005 Convention that provides a new framework to effectively protect and promote the diversity of cultural expression.
- Intergenerational action. At CGS and YWF, we recognize that promoting, preserving, and protecting cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue is a generational enterprise. World Federalist organizations are putting youth at the center of programming to elevate their voices. Below is a list of several initiatives undertaken by various world federalist organizations:
About Citizens for Global Solutions & Young World Federalists
Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan membership-based organization that for more than 75 years has brought together a diverse collective of individuals and organizations with a common goal of a unified world predicated upon peace, human rights, and the rule of law. From championing ratification of the UN Charter upon our establishment in 1947 to supporting creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) 25 years ago to advocating for global instruments to confront today’s enduring challenges of war and climate degradation, CGS recognizes that true progress is a generational enterprise. We invite like-minded individuals and organizations to join us in this mission.
Young World Federalists
Young World Federalists (YWF) is a global movement fighting to give humanity a voice. We envision a sustainable, just, and peaceful world through a democratic world federation. A world run by humanity, for humanity, providing equal opportunity to all on a thriving planet. YWF is currently engaged in a #SaveEarth campaign, which is focused on prosecuting crimes against the environment, taking effective action on climate change, and building a sustainable economy.
Contact: Rebecca Shoot, Executive Director, Citizens for Global Solutions at