Mondial Article (Winter 2025)

The Sword of Damocles Falls: The Impact of US Sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Fergus Watt

Rebecca A. Shoot

Rebecca A. Shoot is the Editor-in-Chief of Mondial and Executive Director of Citizens for Global Solutions. She also serves in a pro bono capacity as Co-Convener of the Washington Working Group for the ICC and the ImPACT Coalition on International Judicial Institutions. She previously directed the Rome Statute Campaign of Parliamentarians for Global Action and held senior leadership positions with the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative and the National Democratic Institute. She is admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia and speaks frequently on international justice issues. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author alone.

On February 6, 2025, as this issue of Mondial was about to go to publication, a proverbial sword of Damocles fell, as the administration of President Donald J. Trump imposed sanctions on the International Criminal Court (ICC), with an individual designation against its Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan shortly following. The long-anticipated maneuver came after months of speculation on whether—and advocacy against—sanctions would be imposed through legislation. While Congressional attempts to pass sanctions legislation ultimately failed, the Trump administration ultimately did so through Executive Order (EO). Primary sanctions target ICC staff and their families, with more individual designations expected to follow. Secondary sanctions target those who assist or provide support to designated persons. The penalty for violating the EO is up to 20 years in prison and/or a fine of US$1 million.

Asset freezes and entry restrictions are tools intended to combat individuals and entities that threat US national security. By applying these measures to a court that 125 countries—and on two occasions, the United Nations (UN) Security Council—have entrusted with providing accountability for atrocity crimes, the US has brought upon itself the stigma of siding with impunity over justice.

It is axiomatic that perpetrators of atrocities should want to undermine the ICC. In response to indictments of himself and senior officials, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued arrest warrants against the Prosecutor and Pre-Trial Chamber judges “merely for having faithfully and diligently carried out their judicial mandate per the statutory framework and international law,” in the words of ICC President Judge Tomoko Akane. What is unfathomable is when governments that purport to be grounded on principles of justice and the rule of law imperil the Court’s existence. This is currently the “extraordinary situation” in which the ICC finds itself; according to President Akane, “being threatened with draconian economic sanctions from three institutions of [a] permanent member of the Security Council as if it was a terrorist organisation. These measures would rapidly undermine the Court’s operations in all situations and cases and jeopardise its very existence.”

The US and the ICC: A Brief Primer

Volumes have been dedicated to the US’s relationship with the ICC. Without attempting a comprehensive exploration of the subject, a brief recapitulation is useful to contextualize recent developments.

Notwithstanding the at-times vociferous American opposition to the ICC, the US has not been monotonal in its policy toward the Court. The US relationship to the ICC is complex and, while often marked by tension, the US has profoundly contributed to the ICC when deemed in its interest. The American Bar Association (ABA) sent an observer to the post-WWII Nuremberg Trials, where a legal team led by Justice Robert H. Jackson worked with allies to prosecute Nazi leadership for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

The ABA also participated actively as an Observer at the Rome Conference, as did many US nongovernmental organizations that comprise the Coalition for the ICC (CICC). The Rome Statute bears a strong imprint of US jurisprudence, attesting to the deep involvement in its drafting and negotiation by American diplomats and legal experts, including the first US Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes (now styled Global Criminal Justice), David Scheffer, who signed the treaty on behalf of President Clinton in the final hours it was open for signature at the United Nations headquarters.

The US influenced many aspects of the ICC’s design, including the incorporation of the principle of complementarity, which gives precedence to domestic courts over the ICC. While the American Service-Members’ Protection Act (ASPA) sought to protect US nationals from the ICC’s reach, recent years have seen expansion of the “Dodd Amendment,” enabling US cooperation with the Court in certain instances—notably with regard to the situation in Ukraine.

The US has directly or indirectly contributed to the arrest and surrender of suspects when doing so aligned with its foreign policy objectives, particularly in Africa. Broad cooperation with the UN and other partners enabled the arrest and transfer of the first two individuals surrendered to the ICC. More blatantly, in 2013, fugitive Congolese warlord Bosco Ntaganda walked into the US Embassy in Kigali and asked to be transferred to the ICC. Lord’s Resistance Army commander Dominic Ongwen followed suit two years later, surrendering to US forces in the Central African Republic. The US government expanded its Rewards for Justice Program in 2013 to include individuals indicted by the ICC, offering financial incentives for information leading to the capture of ICC fugitives, including Joseph Kony and other warlords.

The US also strongly supported the two situations referred to the ICC by the UN Security Council—Darfur and Libya—and has called for others to be committed to the Court’s justice, including the Syrian Arab Republic. The US joined 65 states to co-sponsor a resolution led by France to refer the ongoing alleged atrocities to the ICC, acting upon the recommendation of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, among others. It was ultimately vetoed by the Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China.

Perhaps less visibly the US has made voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund for Victims, an independent institution with a dual mandate to dispense reparations and provide assistance to victims, survivors, and communities affected by the atrocity crimes in the Court’s jurisdiction. Except on occasions during the Trump administration, the US has utilized its Observer Status to participate in the Assembly of States Parties (ASP), the ICC’s management oversight and legislative body (the US delegation attended but did not take the floor for a public statement at the 23rd ASP in December 2024). US nationals count among the approximately 1000 staff members from 109 different countries serving in all of the Court’s three organs, including as judicial clerks (such as the author did through the ICC’s Visiting Professional Programme). And US government and private sector actors have provided expertise and capacity building in the face of cybersecurity threats, including a major attack on the Court linked to Russian malfeasance.

The Road to Sanctions Against the ICC

The United States’ sanctions policy is a critical tool in its foreign policy arsenal, used to influence the behavior of foreign governments, entities, and individuals. Sanctions are basically intended to isolate an individual from their property as a punitive measure; they can target a variety of activities, including human rights violations, terrorism, cyberattacks, nuclear proliferation, and corruption. Well-known examples include “Magnitsky sanctions,” which target the worst abusers of human rights. Typically implemented by the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, they can include asset freezes, trade restrictions, financial transaction bans, and travel prohibitions. These measures aim to exert economic and diplomatic pressure without resorting to military intervention, and are often designed to be dynamic, with mechanisms to lift or tighten restrictions depending on the target’s behavior, thereby incentivizing compliance with US or international demands.

After months of fulmination by then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in retaliation primarily for pursuing investigations in Afghanistan that could potentially implicate US nationals, the US announced the imposition of sanctions and travel restrictions on the Chief Prosecutor and a senior member of her team under the previous Trump administration. At that time, human rights organizations, legal experts (including the President of the ABA), policy makers, and former diplomats from both US political parties cautioned that it was “uniquely dangerous, extreme, and unprecedented to utilize a mechanism designed to penalize criminals, their aiders, and abettors, against an independent judicial institution.” A task force commissioned by the American Society of International Law, led by the current and a former US Ambassador for Global Criminal Justice, Beth Van Schaack and Todd Buchwald, concluded that sanctions had “backfired” and Amb. Buchwald subsequently explained why “even a strong US reaction [to the ICC arrest warrants for Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant] should not include sanctions.”

With the precedent established, in 2024, following the Court’s announcement of potential arrest warrants for Israeli officials for alleged crimes committed in the context of the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas, the House of Representatives passed the so-called “Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act.” Although the bill’s full scope was ambiguous, the legislative intent was to punish foreign persons who aid, materially assist, or provide financial support for efforts by the ICC to undertake certain investigations and prosecutions. The bill’s passage was the culmination of Congressional anti-ICC efforts after previous abortive legislative attempts and rhetorical grandstanding, including a bipartisan open letter to the President led by the nominee for the next Secretary of State, in which he and co-authors from both parties called upon Biden to use “any means necessary” to thwart prosecution of US or allied personnel for war crimes.

The Biden administration strongly opposed the bill while also criticizing the ICC’s engagement in the Palestine situation. The previous Senate did not vote on the legislation, amid contentious negotiations between Democratic leaders and Republican supporters in the Foreign Relations Committee, which contributed to obstruction of that body’s work for months.

At the outset of the 118th Congress, Republican leadership announced the intent to take up the legislation once again. Despite vociferous opposition, including statements by the American Branch of the International Law Association’s Humanitarian Law Committee and the powerful New York City Bar Association, HR 23, passed the House of Representatives 243 to 140 (with one present vote). In an ironic twist, the floor debate coincided with the official state funeral of human rights champion President Jimmy Carter.

The UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, brought together 2,158 civil society representatives; 317 officials from Member States,<br />
international organizations, and the UN system; 67 media representatives; and 47 volunteers from 115 countries. Credit: UNIS Nairobi.

The juxtaposition of the House vote on ICC sanctions and President Carter’s funeral was stark for many observers. Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Evenson.

A flurry of advocacy coalesced as the bill reached the Senate. The Washington Working Group for the ICC coordinated an open letter signed by more than 130 civil society groups, faith-based organizations, and legal associations and held a press conference featuring a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and eminences from situation countries attesting to the impact of the ICC for victims and survivors. A group of European Member States penned a leaked démarche, urging against a “yay” vote. Even Microsoft, a partner of the Court, stepped up to lobby Democratic Senators.

Thanks in part to these efforts, the legislation failed to pass the necessary next hurdle in the Senate, with all but one Democrat voting against proceeding with the measure in a vote of 54-44 (Sen. John Fetterman, D-PA, was the lone exception with Sen. Jon Ossoff, D-GA, abstaining).

This was to be a short-lived and Pyrrhic victory. Not only would the Trump administration promulgate the EO just over a week after the failed Senate vote, but some Senate Democrats have indicated their willingness to accept a deal that would preserve much of the sanctions bill, with carve outs for US tech companies working with the ICC (but notably, not human rights defenders or victims advocates). Per Politico, Senior US Senator Lindsey Graham is “optimistic the Senate could still pass a bill that would sanction the International Criminal Court … [Senate Majority Leader John] Thune has also signaled that the sanctions bill isn’t totally dead.”

The Potentially Deleterious—and Perhaps Devastating—Impact of the New Sanctions on the ICC

The earlier imposition of sanctions targeting the ICC was narrow—denoting two officials—and short-lived. Enacted just four months before Biden was sworn-in, there was the expectation (and eventual reality) that the Trump administration’s Executive Order imposing sanctions would be rescinded. Even in that brief period of time, the policy had profoundly detrimental consequences for the ICC’s ability to operate and serious legal questions were raised regarding its constitutionality.

Given the primacy of US banking and financial institutions—as well as the tendency of foreign institutions toward “over-compliance” with US policies—the ability of the Court to keep up its operations was hindered. For example, the Prosecutor’s mandated reporting to the UN was jeopardized amid uncertainty on her permissible travel to New York—even as state officials with outstanding arrest warrants traveled to participate in the same meetings with impunity. Later, reports also surfaced of personal threats against the safety of Madam Fatou Bensouda, then-ICC Chief Prosecutor, and her family.

Flouting of international law and direct opposition to the ICC may already be having a corrosive ripple effect. States Parties may have been emboldened to defy their legal obligation to arrest suspects-at-large, as exemplified by President Macron of France, an ICC State Party, announcing shortly before the last ASP (with its focus on State cooperation), that he would not comply with his country’s obligations regarding the arrest warrant on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Mongolia, a State Party, recently failed in its obligation to arrest Putin on its soil. The UN Secretary General also has met with Putin while the latter is under indictment, raising questions of “non-essential contacts.” There may not be a direct causal thread between the US actions and those of other States; however, there is a pattern of attrition in respect for the rule of law.

Adam Keith, Senior Director for Accountability at Human Rights First, cogently outlined the harms of sanctions on the ICC prior to passage of the relevant bill by the House of Representatives, which called out its sweeping scope. As Mr. Keith explains, this could include sanctioning close allied nationals and human rights advocates, creating vast liability beyond those specifically sanctioned, as well as a “long and arbitrary ‘do not investigate’ list.” US citizens who represent victims and survivors could be implicated for their work to help achieve justice for perpetrators of atrocity crimes. It would be a terrible irony if a tool designed to penalize gross violators of human rights could instead contribute to their continued impunity.

Why and How to Defend the ICC

The ICC is not beyond reproach. Critiques of selective justice, administrative shortcomings, and politicization have dogged the institution since its inception. As a human invention, it is imperfect, but the Court is still the only hope for many. Today, the ICC, alongside other tribunals, regional mechanisms, and national courts, carries this hope through investigations and prosecutions that can help realize justice for atrocity victims and survivors from Sudan to Myanmar to Ukraine.

For their part, Court officials appear ready to stand against the intimidation. In her address at the 2024 ASP in December, President Akane delivered a stirring alarum: “We firmly reject any attempt to influence the independence and the impartiality of the Court. We resolutely dismiss efforts to politicise our function . . . “The [current] circumstances . . . are only strengthening our determination. We will never give up to coercive measures, threats, sabotage or outrage. The Court, which upholds the principle of the rule of law, will continue pursuing justice and defending the dignity and the rights of victims of atrocities without fear and favour, while ensuring full respect of the highest standards of defence rights.” As objective determiners of fact and rulers on matters of law, judges should never need to make such an appeal; their independence and autonomy must be upheld as sacrosanct. But when they do, their voices must not echo alone but should form the baseline for a chorus. Here, allies of international justice and believers in the rule of law have a critical role to play.

What Can Be Done

In 1995, the organization I now lead (then under a different name) was one of the first members of a group of approximately 25 human rights organizations advocating for a permanent international criminal court to hold individuals to account for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. It worked. That once scrappy outfit is now the formidable Coalition for the ICC (CICC), which boasts thousands of member organizations in 150 countries.

While only organizations are eligible for CICC membership, individuals can actively oppose a misguided policy that undercuts US principles and interests by contacting your representatives directly, through mobilization such as Peace Action has led for a national advocacy campaign. Legal associations also have an important role to play: here, the American Society of International Law, usually laconic on political questions, has stepped up to the plate.

Two lawsuits were filed in US federal courts challenging the previous sanctions. Although they were rendered moot when the Executive Order was rescinded, they may bear revisiting today. In Sadat v. Trump, plaintiffs challenged former President Trump’s executive order authorizing sanctions against people who assist the International Criminal Court in investigating or prosecuting war crimes and other gross human rights violations. The plaintiffs were human rights and legal professionals working with the ICC in ongoing investigations and prosecutions of gross atrocity crimes. They claimed the EO violated the First Amendment and overreached the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). In OSJI v. Donald J. Trump, et al, the Open Society Justice Initiative (OSJI), with named plaintiffs who are law professors and international legal professionals, claimed violations of their First Amendment rights, as well as arguments around constitutional vagueness violating due process clauses of the Fifth Amendment, as well as other ultra vires violations of executive authority. These legal arguments bear revisiting now with reference to the new sanctions policy.


At an historical moment when the global rule of law is besieged from multiple fronts, institutions like the ICC are needed more than ever to advance human rights protections and the universal goal of preventing future atrocities. The ICC represents and constitutes part of a global system of international justice of which the United States was a chief architect at Nuremberg and beyond. And yet, never since its inception has the Court faced such palpable existential threats that jeopardize the hope of an end to impunity for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community. Sanctions send a signal that could embolden authoritarian regimes and others with reason to fear accountability and seek to evade justice. Such actions jeopardize the ability of desperate victims to access justice, weakens the credibility of sanction tools in other contexts, and places the United States at odds with its closest allies.

Mondial Summer 2024 - US Edition - Thumbnail of the Cover

Mondial is published by the Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) and World Federalist Movement — Canada (WFM-Canada), non-profit, non-partisan, and non-governmental Member Organizations of the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Government Policy (WFM-IGP). Mondial seeks to provide a forum for diverse voices and opinions on topics related to democratic world federation. The views expressed by contributing authors herein do not necessarily reflect the organizational positions of CGS or WFM-Canada, or those of the Masthead membership.

Anthony Vance

Anthony Vance

Senior Representative, Bahá'ís of the U.S. Office of Public Affairs

Anthony oversees the development of the Bahá'ís of the United States Office of Public Affairs programs and strategic direction. He joined the office in 2010 after spending four years at the Baháʼí World Center in Haifa, Israel representing it to the diplomatic community, civil society, and parts of the host government. A lawyer by training, he spent 21 years in the U.S. Agency for International Development in legal and managerial positions in Washington, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Botswana, and Egypt. Anthony holds a B.A. in Economics, an MBA, and a J.D. from Harvard University.

James Lowell May

James Lowell May

Program Officer

James May is a programme and project development specialist. He has lived in Serbia since 2005, and prior to joining Citizens for Global Solutions, worked across the Western Balkans on a broad range of issues including human, minority and child rights, accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity, Holocaust commemoration, democratic participation, social justice and economic empowerment, and environmental restoration.

James began working in the Western Balkans on issues related to accountability for human rights violations, first for the Youth Initiative for Human Rights, a coalition of NGOs active in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, as the network’s development coordinator, then the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights, leading a research project documenting the nomenclatural of the Milosevic Regime, and then the Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbia, running a Holocaust research and education project.

James then transitioned from accountability to efforts to protect and fulfil the rights of marginalised communities. For a decade James worked for the Centre for Youth Integration, an NGO that provides specialized services for children and youth in street situations in Belgrade, where he began as a volunteer before taking up a permanent role, while concurrently volunteering for community mental health organizations, as well as consultancy work for a number of local and international organizations, and most recently branched out to apply his experience to the environmental sector, focussing on social impact assessments and community-oriented nature-based solutions projects.

James has a degree in Archaeology from University College London. He was born and grew up in Great Britain. He is an avid cyclist.

Honorable David J. Scheffer

Honorable David J. Scheffer

Former U.S. Ambassador

Amb. David J. Scheffer is senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), with a focus on international law and international criminal justice. Scheffer was the Mayer Brown/Robert A. Helman Professor of Law (2006-2020) and is Director Emeritus of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law. He is Professor of Practice at Arizona State University (Washington offices). He was Vice-President of the American Society of International Law (2020-2022) and held the International Francqui Professorship at KU Leuven in Belgium in 2022. From 2012 to 2018 he was the UN Secretary-General’s Special Expert on UN Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials, and he was the Tom A. Bernstein Genocide Prevention Fellow working with the Ferencz International Justice Initiative at the Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (2019-2021).

During the second term of the Clinton Administration (1997-2001), Scheffer was the first ever U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues and led the U.S. delegation to the UN talks establishing the International Criminal Court (ICC). He signed the Rome Statute of the ICC on behalf of the United States on December 31, 2000. He negotiated the creation of five war crimes tribunals: the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, and the ICC. He chaired the Atrocities Prevention Inter-Agency Working Group (1998-2001). During the first term of the Clinton Administration (1993-1997), Scheffer served as senior advisor and counsel to the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Dr. Madeleine Albright, and he served on the Deputies Committee of the National Security Council. Ambassador Scheffer received an A.B. (Government and Economics) from Harvard College, B.A. (Honour School of Jurisprudence) from Oxford University (where he was a Knox Fellow), and LL.M. (International and Comparative Law) from Georgetown University Law Center.

Jon Kozesky

Jon Kozesky

Director of Development 

Jon brings over 17 years of experience in development and fundraising in both the public and private sectors.  He started his career in politics working in the Ohio Statehouse and later in the office of U.S. Congressman Steven LaTourette, as well as former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. After leaving Capitol Hill, Jon pursued his passion of helping nonprofits secure the resources they needed to best serve their constituents. This passion led to his founding of Jon Thomas Consulting, a boutique nonprofit management and development firm serving organizations across the United States and throughout the world in streamlining their processes and maximizing their revenue growth through grant writing, government affairs, donor stewardship, and major event planning.

Prior to his fundraising career, Jon proudly served his community as a firefighter and water rescue diver. In his personal time, Jon is a champion competitive sailor and a bit of a thrill-seeker, having skydived and bungee jumped on 6 continents.

Hannah Fields

Hannah Fields

Communications Officer

Hannah Fields is a communications and digital content specialist with over ten years of experience working in the nonprofit, global health, and higher education sectors. She has supported organizations, such as Mayo Clinic and the American Academy of Political and Social Science, with editorial projects, digital content management, and a broad range of communications outreach. During her time in global health, she worked alongside Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH) to assist in their mission of advancing health and wholeness for all people through capacity-building, networking, fellowship, and advocacy.

Hannah also has a background in book publishing, having received her Master of Letters in Publishing Studies from the University of Stirling. She has worked with several US and UK publishers to create high-quality printed and digital products for readers. Hannah also founded Folkways Press in 2020 to create a platform for authors of all backgrounds to use the power of their words to address social issues through themes of mental health, human rights, and more.

Marvin Perry

Accounting Manager

Marvin has been working in the areas of HIV/AIDS, international peace and human rights. He has worked with both national and international non-profits in the DC area. Marvin brings years of experience in non-profit finance and administration. Marvin is a certified human resources professional and holds an MBA from Howard University School of Business.

Peter Orvetti

Communications Consultant

Peter Orvetti is an editor and political analyst who has spent most of his career providing daily intelligence briefings for the White House across four presidential administrations, as well as multiple Cabinet agencies, trade associations, and Fortune 500 companies. He is the author of several “Young People’s Guides” to various U.S. federal elections and is a former daily columnist for NBC Universal’s Washington, D.C., website.

He has been involved with CGS and other world federalist organizations for more than a decade and publishes the daily “One World Digest” email newsletter. He is also a theater reviewer and an actor in both professional and amateur productions.

Bob Flax

CGS Education Fund President

Bob Flax, Ph.D. is the former Executive Director of Citizens for Global Solutions (now retired). He has spent a lifetime addressing human suffering, first as a psychologist, then as an organization development consultant, and for more than a decade, as a global activist through the World Federalist Movement. He also teaches in the Transformative Social Change Program at Saybrook University.

Bob has a B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy from New York University (1977), an M.A. in Psychology from Long Island University (1980), a Ph.D. in Psychology from Saybrook Institute (1992), an M.A. in Organization Development from Sonoma State University (2007), a Certificate in Global Affairs from New York University (2015) and a Diploma in Global Leadership at the UN Peace University in Costa Rica (2019).

Bob’s love of adventure has led him to international trekking, scuba diving, and climbing the tallest mountains on 3 continents. He also maintains a Buddhist meditation practice and lives in a co-housing community in Northern California.

Rebecca A. Shoot

Executive Director

Rebecca A. Shoot is an international lawyer and democracy and governance practitioner with more than 15 years of experience in the non-governmental, inter-governmental, and private sectors supporting human rights, democratic processes, and the rule of law on five continents.

In nearly a decade with the National Democratic Institute (NDI), Rebecca held numerous positions in headquarters and the field supporting and leading democracy and governance programs in Central and Eastern Europe and Southern and East Africa. She subsequently moved to a leadership role steering NDI’s Governance projects globally and directing programming for the bipartisan House Democracy Partnership of the U.S. House of Representatives. Rebecca created a global parliamentary campaign for Democratic Renewal and Human Rights as Senior Advisor to Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), an international network of legislators committed to collaboration to promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Prior to that, she directed PGA’s International Law and Human Rights Programme and ran PGA’s office in The Hague. Most recently, she helmed global programming to promote gender equality and criminal justice reform for the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI).

Rebecca has spoken at high-level conferences and events on five continents (and increasingly, globally through online platforms). Her publications include the first Global Parliamentary Report (IPU & UNDP 2012), Political Parties in Democratic Transitions (DIPD 2012), and Navigating between Scylla and Charybdis: How the International Criminal Court Turned Restraint Into Power Play (Emory Int’l L. Rev. 2018), which was honored with the Emory International Law Review’s Founder’s Award for Excellence in Legal Research and Writing.

Rebecca is admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia and is a member of several bar associations, including the American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA), where she serves as Advocacy Director for the International Criminal Court (ICC) Committee. She served as a Visiting Professional in the Presidency of the ICC and has provided pro bono legal expertise to The Carter Center, International Refugee Assistance Project, United Nations Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances, and U.S. Marine Corps University, where she helped develop the international humanitarian law curriculum.

Rebecca earned a Juris Doctorate with Honors from Emory University School of Law, where she received several academic distinctions, including the David J. Bederman Fellowship in International Law and Conley-Ingram Scholarship for Public Interest Leadership. She earned a Master of Science in Democracy & Democratisation from University College London School of Public Policy and a Bachelor of Arts Magna Cum Laude in Political Science from Kenyon College. She holds certificates in Conflict Analysis from the U.S. Institute of Peace and in Public International Law from The Hague Academy of International Law.

As Executive Director of CGS, Rebecca will continue her current role as Co-Convener of the Washington Working Group for the International Criminal Court (WICC), a diverse coalition of human rights organizations, legal associations, former government officials, and leading legal professionals. CGS and WICC have a rich and intertwined history that this dual appointment brings full circle, with CGS formerly serving as host for the coalition and with several current and former common Board and National Advisory Committee members.

She also acts, directs, and writes for the theater.

Helen Caldicott

Physician, Author, and Speaker

Helen Caldicott is a physician, author, and anti-nuclear advocate. She founded several associations dedicated to opposing the use of nuclear power, depleted uranium munitions, nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons proliferation, and military action in general. In 1980, she founded the Women’s Action for Nuclear Disarmament (WAND), which was later renamed Women’s Action for New Directions. In 2008, she founded the Helen Caldicott Foundation for a Nuclear Free Future.

Blanche Wiesen Cook

Blanche Wiesen Cook

Professor, Author, and Historian

Blanche Wiesen Cook is a Distinguished Professor of History and Women’s Studies at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. She is author of a three-volume biography of Eleanor Roosevelt, as well as The Declassified Eisenhower: A Divided Legacy of Peace and Political Warfare.

David Cortright

Author, Activist, and Leader

David Cortright is director of Policy Studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame and chair of the Board of the Fourth Freedom Forum. In 1977, Cortright was named the executive director of he Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy (SANE), which under his direction became the largest disarmament organization in the U.S. Cortright initiated the 1987 merger of SANE and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign and served for a time as co-director of the merged organization. In 2002, he helped to found the Win Without War coalition in opposition to the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

He is the author or co-editor of 19 books including Waging Peace in Vietnam: U.S. Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the WarGandhi and Beyond: Nonviolence for a New Political Age, and Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas.

Andrea Cousins

Andrea Cousins

Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, and Anthropologist

Andrea Cousins is a psychologist and psychoanalyst who has practiced for more than 30 years. She has a doctorate in anthropology from Harvard University and a Doctor of Psychology degree from the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology. Her father, journalist and peace activist Norman Cousins, served as president of the World Federalist Association and chairman of the Committee for Sane Nuclear Policy, and was honored with recognitions including the United Nations Peace Medal.

Gary Dorrien

Gary Dorrien

Professor, Author, Social Ethicist

Gary Dorrien is the Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics at Union Theological Seminary and Professor of Religion at Columbia University. An Episcopal priest, he has taught as the Paul E. Raither Distinguished Scholar at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, and as Horace De Y. Lentz Visiting Professor at Harvard Divinity School. He is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America’s Religion and Socialism Commission and the author of 18 books on ethics, social theory, philosophy, theology, politics, and intellectual history.

Daniel Ellsberg

Lecturer, Writer, and Activist

Daniel Ellsberg is a political activist and former military analyst. While employed by the RAND Corporation, Ellsberg precipitated a national political controversy in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, a top-secret Pentagon study of the U.S. government decision-making in relation to the Vietnam War, to The New York Times, The Washington Post and other newspapers.

Since the end of the Vietnam War, Ellsberg has continued his political activism, giving lecture tours and speaking out about current events. Ellsberg was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 2006. In 2018, he was awarded the 2018 Olof Palme Prize for his “profound humanism and exceptional moral courage.”

Oscar Andrew Hammerstein

Oscar Andrew Hammerstein

Painter, Writer, Lecturer, and Historian

Oscar Andrew Hammerstein is a painter, writer, and lecturer. He has taught graduate-level courses on New York theatre history and general musical theatre history as an adjunct professor at Columbia University. He is the author of The Hammersteins: A Musical Theatre Family.

Randy Kehler

Randy Kehler

Pacifist Activist

Randy Kehler is a pacifist activist who served 22 months in prison for returning his draft card in 1969 and refusing to seek exemption as a conscientious objector, seeing that as a form of cooperation with the Vietnam war effort. He played a key role in persuading Daniel Ellsberg to release the Pentagon Papers, and later served as executive director of the National Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign. Kehler and his wife Betsy Corner refused to pay taxes for military expenditures, resulting in the federal seizure of their Massachusetts home in 1989. They continue to withhold their federal income taxes.

Gordon Orians

Gordon Orians


Gordon Orians, an ornithologist and ecologist for more than half a century, has focused his work on behavioral ecology and the relationships between ecology and social organization, as well as on the interface between science and public policy. He was director of the University of Washington Seattle’s Institute for Environmental Studies for a decade and has also served on the Board of Directors of the World Wildlife Fund and on state boards of the Nature Conservancy and Audubon.

Orians was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1989 and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1990.

William Pace

International Organizer

William Pace was the founding convenor of the Coalition for an International Criminal Court (ICC) and a co-founder of the International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect. He has been engaged in international justice, rule of law, environmental law, and human rights for four decades, serving as executive director of the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy, secretary-general of the Hague Appeal for Peace, director of the Center for the Development of International Law, and director of Section Relations of the Concerts for Human Rights Foundation at Amnesty International, among other roles. He is the recipient of the William J. Butler Human Rights Medal from the Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the ICC.

James T. Ranney

Professor, International Legal Consultant, and Author

James T. Ranney is an adjunct professor of international law at Widener Law School. He co-founded the Jeannette Rankin Peace Center in Montana and served as a legal consultant to the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. He has written extensively on the abolition of nuclear weapons and the establishment of international dispute resolution mechanisms.

Rick Ulfik

Rick Ulfik

The Founder of WE, The World, and the WE Campaign

Rick Ulfik is the founder of We, The World, an international coalition-building organization whose Mission is to maximize social change globally. He and his organization work closely with the New York Center for Nonviolent Communication, where he has been a facilitator since 2004. He is also the co-creator of the annual 11 Days of Global Unity - 11 Ways to Change the World, September 11-21.

He is an award-winning composer and keyboard player who has written, arranged, produced and orchestrated music for television networks, feature films, commercials, and albums. He has performed with Queen Latifah, Phoebe Snow, Carlos Santana, Bernadette Peters, and Judy Collins.

John Stowe


John Stowe is the Roman Catholic bishop of the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky. He is a member of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, a mendicant religious order founded by Francis of Assisi. In 2015, Pope Francis appointed Stowe bishop of the Diocese of Lexington. He is the Episcopal President of the U.S. board of Pax Christi, an international Catholic Christian peace movement with a focus on human rights, disarmament, nonviolence, and related issues.

Barbara Smith

Author, Activist, and Scholar

Barbara Smith has played a significant role in Black feminism in the U.S. for more than 50 years. She taught at numerous colleges and universities for 25 years and has been published in a wide range of publications including The New York Times Book ReviewMs.Gay Community NewsThe Village Voice, and The Nation.

Among her many honors are the African American Policy Forum Harriet Tubman Lifetime Achievement Award, the Lambda Literary Award, and the Stonewall Award for Service to the Lesbian and Gay Community. In 2014, SUNY Press published Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around: Forty Years of Movement Building with Barbara Smith.

William J. Ripple

Conservationist, Author, and Professor

William J. Ripple is a Distinguished Professor of Ecology in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society at Oregon State University. He has published two books and has authored more than 200 scientific journal articles on topics including conservation, ecology, wildlife, and climate change. He was the co-lead author on the 2020 paper “The World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency,” which was endorsed by more than 14,000 scientist signatories from around the world. He is the director of the Alliance of World Scientists, which has approximately 26,000 scientist members from 180 countries.

Mark Ritchie

President, Global Minnesota

Mark Ritchie is Chair of Minnesota's World Fair Bid Committee Educational Fund. From 2019 - 2022 he served as president of Global Minnesota, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization devoted to advancing international understanding and engagement. Ritchie was Minnesota's elected Secretary of State from 2007 to 2015. Since leaving elected public service, he has led the public-private partnership working to bring a world exposition (World's Fair) to Minnesota and he has served on the board of directors for LifeSource, Communicating for America, U.S. Vote Foundation, and Expo USA. He is also a national advisory board member of the federal Election Assistance Commission, where he serves as National Secretary.


Kim Stanley Robinson


Kim Stanley Robinson is the author of many works of science fiction, including the internationally bestselling Mars trilogy, and more recently Red Moon, New York 2140, and The Ministry for the Future. His work has been translated into 25 languages, and won awards including the Hugo, Nebula, and World Fantasy awards. In 2016, asteroid 72432 was named “Kimrobinson.”

Leila Nadya Sadat

Special Advisor to the ICC Chief Prosecutor, Professor, Author

Leila Sadat is the James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law at Washington University School of Law and the director of the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute. She is an internationally recognized expert on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and served as Special Advisor on Crimes Against Humanity to Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda of the ICC. She is also the director of the Crimes Against Humanity Initiative, a multi-year project to study the problem of crimes against humanity and draft a comprehensive convention addressing their punishment and prevention. She is a former member of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, served as the Alexis de Tocqueville Distinguished Fulbright Chair at the University of Cergy-Pontoise in Paris, and is the author of several books.

Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen

Actor, Activist, and Leader

Martin Sheen is an Emmy Award-winning and Golden Globe Award-winning actor who has worked with directors including Francis Ford Coppola and Oliver Stone, in addition to starring as the U.S. president on the long-running television drama “The West Wing.” In his early days as a struggling actor in New York, he met activist Dorothy Day, beginning his lifelong commitment to social justice.

The self-described pacifist was an early opponent of the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq and has been a consistent opponent of nuclear arms. As honorary mayor of Malibu, California in 1989, he declared the city a nuclear-free zone. Nearly 20 years later, Sheen was arrested during a protest at the Nevada Test Site. Sheen said in 2009 that he had been arrested 66 times for acts of civil disobedience, leading one activist to declare Sheen to have “a rap sheet almost as long as his list of film credits.”

Sheen has also been active in anti-genocide and pro-immigrant causes, as well as in the environmental movement. In 2010, he told a crowd of young people, “While acting is what I do for a living, activism is what I do to stay alive.” In a 1963 episode of “The Outer Limits,” he portrayed a future astronaut wearing a large breast patch that read “UE. Unified Earth.”