by Citizens for Global Solutions | Dec 14, 2022 | Human Rights
Citizens for Global Solutions is honored to present Pope Francis with our Global Citizen Award for 2022. This award is presented once a year to an individual who is recognized as a Global Citizen by the general public for their commitment to one or more of the following areas:
- An end to war and violence in the resolution of international disputes
- The elimination of nuclear weapons
- Democratic global governance
- Protection of universal human rights and freedoms
- Care of the global environment
- Embracing loyalty to our world in addition to loyalty to any one nation
Pope Francis has demonstrated to the whole world his commitment to all these areas.
As the leader of the Catholic Church, he is truly catholic/universal in his concern for the entire human family and the planet we all share.
His work to protect the global environment is inspiring. “Laudato Si” was instrumental in helping the people and the leaders of the world recognize the seriousness of the environmental crisis facing our common home.
We are inspired by his teaching in “Fratelli Tutti” about a love capable of transcending borders so that the human family can live together in harmony and peace, without expecting everyone to be or look the same. We also agree with his advice in this document that we need new structures to solve global problems that affect us all. Indeed Pope Francis is a great world citizen and a model for all of us.
Citizens for Global Solutions promotes the ideal of “world peace through world law” and democratic world federation, which is consistent with the Catholic Church’s teachings on a public authority for the world community, subsidiarity, solidarity, and the protection of human rights.
We are grateful to Bishop John Stowe, who is a member of the CGS National Advisory Council, who hand carried this award from the US to the Vatican for Pope Francis. Bishop Stowe presented the award to Cardinal Michael Czerny, SJ, Prefect of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development.
Thank you, Pope Francis, for all you do to make our world a better, safer, healthier, more loving place for all humanity.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Dec 10, 2022 | Past Event
Discussion of Chapters 7-10 of Union Now by Clarence Streit (1939). In his book, Streit urges the world’s democracies to create an initial world federation that would be so powerful that other countries would follow.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Dec 9, 2022 | Organizational Statement
Displacement Due to Climate Disasters is a Human Rights Issue
Washington, DC – On December 10, Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) celebrates Human Rights Day to commemorate the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The UN Human Rights Office of the High Commission declares, this year’s Human Rights Day slogan is “Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All” and the call to action is #StandUp4HumanRights.”
CGS also recognizes that in 2021, 27.3 million people were internally displaced in their own countries due to climate related disasters. From June through October of this year, Pakistan experienced the worst floods in history, internally displacing 33 million people and killing thousands. Climate change is affecting our universal human rights to life, food, water, an adequate standard of living, a healthy environment, and our health.
Legal action through ecocide law or treaties, beyond the nation-state status quo, is urgently needed today to make the destruction of our environment an international criminal act. International law with a mechanism to enforce legally binding environmental treaties can mitigate our current climate crisis.
Innovative solutions to specific environmental and human rights issues have already been proposed and it is our responsibility to call on our government to petition international organizations to implement them. For example, the UN and other multilateral institutions could establish a “Global Climate Research Registry and Climate Action Clearinghouse” to serve as a depository for research on climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, develop recommendations regarding best practices, and coordinate international action. The UN could strengthen the International Court of Justice (ICJ) so that it has mandatory jurisdiction over all member states, which would ensure universal commitment to human rights. Furthermore, establishing regional tribunals to safeguard human rights and address environmental crimes that are local to a specific region could provide an effective way to address human rights violations caused by climate-related displacement.
About Citizens for Global Solutions & Young World Federalists
Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan membership-based organization that for more than 75 years has brought together a diverse collective of individuals and organizations with a common goal of a unified world predicated upon peace, human rights, and the rule of law. From championing ratification of the UN Charter upon our establishment in 1947 to supporting creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) 25 years ago to advocating for global instruments to confront today’s enduring challenges of war and climate degradation, CGS recognizes that true progress is a generational enterprise. We invite like-minded individuals and organizations to join us in this mission.
The Young World Federalists are a global movement fighting to give humanity a voice. We envision a sustainable, just, and peaceful world through a democratic world federation. A world run by humanity, for humanity, providing equal opportunity to all on a thriving planet.
Donna Park
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Nov 10, 2022 | Past Event
Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing is an author, speaker, international lawyer, and founding director of The Center for Peace and Global Governance. She also is a member of the CGS Board of Directors. Of all the presenters at this conference, she is the only one who created the model she’s presenting! It is the most contemporary of all the models.
by Citizens for Global Solutions | Nov 9, 2022 | Past Event
Dr. Joseph Baratta presents a model from Clark and Sohn, the United Nations based on revised, amended, & expanded charter. Their ideas would have moved the UN significantly toward becoming a federal world government, and it remains one of the most significant historical models in the field.
Dr. Joseph Baratta is one of the foremost historians of the world federalist movement and the efforts to strengthen the United Nations. He is professor emeritus at Wister State University and author of the two-volume work, The Politics of World Federation.